Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Family Time

So, after we got back from our trip to SD (see earlier post), we had four days to get ready before flying down to Vegas to see Ryan's little sister Bryn come home from her mission! Can you guess from this picture where she served?.......It was so great to see her and the entire Davis family, it was so fun to be all together, since that happens less and less now that we are spread out more. Bryn is doing great, she looks great and we are so happy and proud of her!!! Ryan flew home Sunday after her homecoming talk, but I stayed with the girls for a few more days and hung out, Juliet loved going swimming in Mimi's new pool, even though the water was cold. I was able to hang out with a few of my old friends and Juliet's long time play buddies, she was so excited to see Aria and Jackson. And of course playing with her cousins. We took the cousins to the Children's Discovery musuem one day, the kids had a blast! I had never been there before, but will definetely go back when we are in town. On Wednesday we loaded up a trailer with misc. funiture and items for our new home and drove up to Utah and meet my parents where I stayed for the rest of the week.

The Davis Family (man were getting big!)

Our cute family, I love matching clothes for the girls!

The Discovery museum. Juliet and her cousin Cru playing in the grocery store exhibit, sooooo stinkin cute!
Claire had fun at the museum too!

They had a hurricane tunnel, that blows wind at high speeds, Juliet loved it!!
Utah was a blast, it was so fun to hang with my family especially my brother Matt who is leaving in a week for his mission. We were able to hang out together, go the temple just the two of us and have some good talks. I will miss him sooooo much, but he will do awesome in Germany!
Ryan drove down after work on Friday and we all drove back together on, fun. Remind me: No more traveling for awhile!!
My family, Sam the dog even jumped in for the picture

My Mom and the girls

My handsome brother Matt! Miss you already!
When we got home it was moving time! I will do another post of our new home, which I am totally in love with!