I know, I know, I won't even get into how lame and guilty I feel for never updating my blog, but part of it is because I feel I don't have much to blog about! Life is definetely pretty routine around here, literally. I find that each day of the week we do the same thing, which is acutally fine with me, I like consistency and knowing what to expect. Typical week looks like this, Monday we go to storytime at the library and are usually there for awhile playing and picking out new books and DVD's for the next week, we LOVE the library system here! Then lunch, naps, dinner, FHE. bed. Tuesday goes like this, 6:20 am run, breakfast, get ready, drop off preschool, grocery shopping, errands, pick up preschool, lunch, naps, teach violin from 4-5, dinner, bed. Wednesday I watch two of my friends kids from 7am to 8:30, then two other kids from 10:40-Noon, ironing and chores inbetween, lunch, naps, bed, American idol. Thursday I teach community orchestra 7am-8:30, preschool, errands, pick up preschool, lunch, naps, teach violin from 4-6, dinner, bed. Friday, 6:20 am run, breakfast, get ready, playgroup and lunch, naps, dinner, movie?, bed. Saturday, long run, breakfast, chores, laundry, errands, maybe a date?, naps, dinner, bed. Sunday, church, lunch, naps, dinner, bed.
So, yea, that is my life in a nutshell. We also keep busy with occaional church callings and meetings, and there are alot of baby showers so I usually go to one of those ever other week it seems. The latest news is the Juliet did have to get glasses about a month or so ago. We noticed that her right eye would turn in wards, doctor said it is due to overfocusing in that eye and we are hopeful that these glasses will train her eyes to work together. It took her a little while to get used to them, but she is pretty good with them, and they are very durable. I tried to get a cute pic of her in them, but you know Juliet, very hard to take a good picture of!
Lets see what else is going on...oh, yeah, I did sign up for my next race. I am going to do the Seattle Rock and Roll Half marathon on June 25, so I am getting really excited for that. It is a huge race and runs into downtown Seattle. There is live music all along the race course, I think its going to be a cool experience.
Another thing I have been getting into lately is couponing. Not obessively, but I am pretty into price matching at walmart. Almost half of my groceries each week are price matched now and I usually have a few coupons on top of that. It feels soooo good to save money and I am always on bargain hunts and bargain store shopping. I just feel that if you look hard enough you can get something second hand or on really good clearance and pay so much less then just blindly paying full price for something!
Oh, we finally got our new home buyers tax credit back with our refund, so some new home projects will hopefully be in the works soon. I have a blinds consultant coming tomorrow to pick out blinds for our house. We are probably going to plant a few trees also in a back yard and hopefully build some shelves in our garage to make room for all the food storage I am starting to accumulate. So excited about that!
Next month we are planning an easter trip down to Utah. Its a fun packed weekend! Thursday we will arrive and go to Ryan's sister Bryn's graduation from BYU and celebrate with them, Friday we celebrate our 6th anniversary with a fun day together, maybe on overnighter, Saturday we will celebrate Juliet's 4th birthday and Sunday we will celebrate Easter with my Mom's family! Can't wait!
We are also in the works right now of planning a quick trip down to Austin, Tx to see my Dad and his sweetheart and all their kids be sealed in the temple together! They have been waiting for this for along time, and I can't wait to be there with them! It will probably just be me and Ryan or just myself going. We will see...
Well, thats about all I have, here are a couple cute photos of the girls, I literally haven't taken any pictures of them the last two months, kinda sad, but I think I am a live in the moment type person, I am horrible at taking pictures. They are so sweet though and doing really well. Can't believe I will have a 2 yr and 4 yr old soon. Why can't they just stay babies, then I don't have to start having baby cravings. Ryan is already chomping at the bit for #3, but I am still waiting for the right time.

Juliet in glasses

Claire in her chinese jammies

Playing in the rain