Monday, July 12, 2010

Potty Training Success!!!!!

Sooo, potty training to me was this huge unknown territory that I was frankly very scared to enter, which is probably why Juliet wasn't potty trained sooner, but we all come to our breaking point and I was just plain tired of changing 2 kids in diapers, so I vowed that I would give it a try. Our first round was right after her 3rd birthday in April. I introduced the panties and gave it a try, but didn't have a real plan, didn't catch on too great. After many accidents, I decided we would wait a few more weeks after we traveled and moved in our new home. So a week after being in our new home, I was more prepared. I read up on strategies, counseled with seasonend mothers on their experiences and I finally felt ready. There was no turning back, this was it, I was not going back to diapers!! I lined the family room and hallway to the bathroom with plastic and towels and spent three whole days in the house (including my birthday!) till she finally got it. I couldn't be prouder of her. After three days she was pretty much potty trained, #1 and #2. She even stays dry all night and has only had a few accidents this last month of being trained! I am thrilled!! I can't believe she caught on so fast and she is doing so well at night! Whew! What a relief! I can check that off my list now! Seriously, motherhood is alot of unknowns and half the time I don't know if I am doing it right or doing it well enough, but when your child learns something completely new, I feel so proud! Yeah Juliet!!!!


McNeil Family said...

Love the new house! Congrats! I just started potty training Evan last week because I was hoping to avoid two in diapers. However, it's looking like I was dreaming to potty train him at 26 months. I have no plan and I do fear for my new carpet. (Especially with the bout of the runs that he seems to have.) I would love to know what you did that worked. Perhaps I just really am pushing this too soon... let me know what you think!

Eric and Jaime said...

Hey Genevieve,
I am so happy for you guys and your new home and potty training success! Sounds like you guys are doing awesome. I admit I wish we were buying our first home right now too, but I will just have to be patient until Eric is done with oral surgery. You look beautiful as always and your girls are so adorable!