Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Some Good Reads

So, I don't have alot of hobbies, but of the few I do have my absloute favorite is reading! Its been so refreshing to toss out the school text books and dive into some delicious and enlightening books. Here are a few of my favorites from the last three months:

Love Mitch Albom books! They are always short but pack a powerful punch of important life lessons and values. I love how he writes from the heart when he lays out his own imperfections and pride and how he learned the importance of faith in life.

This was one of those ignore your children and the rest of your life book until you find out the end. I read this book in two days and couldn't put it down. Although you'd think the concept was a little creepy and morbid, fascinating storytelling and absolutely loved it. Can't wait to gobble up the rest of the series.

This was a great read, although a little dark and depressing at times, I thought its was a wonderful depiction of the Salem witch trials and what life was like during early New England time.

Such a beautiful book, loved everything about it. I love historical fiction, and loved the WWII setting. Loved how the entire book is a series of letters between its many interwoven characters.

I normally never read diet and weightloss books, but this book caught my eye and I highly recommend it. Jillian knows her stuff, and she breaks down all the crap and chemicals we eat in our diet and how its negatively affecting our metabolisms and health. I threw out all the processed foods in our house after I read this book.

I love US history and I love David McCullough. This was a pleasant and wonderful read on the early life of Theodore Roosevelt and events in his early life that shaped him into the great man he would become later on. Took me a little longer to get through, but throughly enjoyed it.

Beautiful book about an uncommon story of rounded up Jews in Paris during WWII and connection of modern day characters to the past. Very good!


Holly said...

I love to read too, and someday I will have time to do it. I haven't ready any of the books you discussed, so now I have a few more to add to my growing list for when I am done with school.

Aubrey said...

just finished sarah's key and the guernsey one. Thought SK was kind of depressing but enjoyed the writing concept. Both were not a waste of time, but not my favorite. Agree with you on hunger games though just finished catching fire...