Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Loving the Journey

So its been awhile...I love to read updated blogs, but failed to realize that my own little blog was long overdue for an update!

Spring is finally here and my spirits are lifted by all the beauty and joy around me! I love living in a place that has real changing of the seasons. We purchased our first lawn mower and Ryan loves to finally have a big yard that he can work in. The trees and flowers are blooming and its just beautiful!

We have been staying very busy with our ward, this ward is awesome and there is always something going on everyweek! Since the last post, we had a fun Summer themed party BBQ with our friends, ward fundraiser dinner, relief society volleyball, Activity days (I am the new valiant 8 teacher and activity days leader), RS enrichment service auction, Primary acitivity, playgroup, bookclub and a New Moon party. Since we don't have family near, I am grateful for such a friendly and involoved ward that we an associate with, it makes living here so fun!

My sweet baby Claire turned 9 months old, she is such a joy to have in our home. At her check up we learned we have the cutest chunk on the block, weighing in at 22.2 lbs (95%) and 30ins (97%) She is soooo close to crawling, but for now scoots and turns around everywhere, she loves trying lots of new food, is finding her voice, learned the word DADA and how to wave, and is just naturally good natured and happy everyday. Except when she was sick for a week, that was not fun!

This last weekend, Ryan's parents came for a visit and boy was it great to see family again! We haven't seen them since Thanksgiving! We took them into Seattle on Friday and walked around Pikes Market and done by the pier. There is this crazy alley near pikes market that is covered in gum! I know its gross but its actually kinda cool looking! We ate a yummy lunch at the Crab Pot and took the girls on a carousel ride! Perfect day! The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing, eating, shopping and some more relaxing.

Life is good and we are very blessed, looking forward to the next few months and the fun times ahead!


J and L said...

Cute blog Genevieve!! Our ward is pretty fun huh! I'm glad you got to spend some time with family this weekend. It always does wonders, doesn't it?!