Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Girls

Everyday I am amazed at how fast my girls are changing, growing and learning. Everyday I tell myself, "Oh! I need to write that they said this or did that", but of course I forget and get busy, but I thought why not write some of them here? Then I can have them to look back on and everyone can know what amazing sweet girls I am blessed to have as my daughters.

First is Juliet, what a firecracker! She was defeintely born with her Dad's high energy and zest for life! Juliet's favorite activities right now include going on runs with her Dad in the jogger, going to see the ducks, going to storytime at the library, playing outside, playing the piano with her Daddy, reading with Mommy, and of course watching her Disney movies! Juliet also loves to Sing! The girl hears a song once and can sing the melody and the words back to you! She knows a dozen or more primary songs, not to mention all the storytime and lullaby songs. The other day during Sacrament meeting she starting singing Reverently, Quitely for all to hear (at least it was a primary song!) She can sit for a very long time with Ryan at the piano while he plays and she just listens and sings along. She definetely has a knack for music and I can tell that is one of her many talents. Everyday she talks more and more and is excellent at recognition when I point things out and ask her the name, color or number of something. She can count to 10 and sing her ABC's and knows all her colors and shapes. She is learning to dress herself and is starting to be interested in the potty, but we have along way to go...Her favorite foods are apple juice, chocolate milk, fruit snacks, yogurt, goldfish, mac n' cheese, hotdogs, smoothies, queseadillas, cookies and any type of candy (when she can sneak it when her Dad isn't watching!) My favorite time with Juliet is first thing in the morning when she crawls in bed with me and gives me cuddles, its a great start to my day. Juliet challenges me everyday, but in everyway makes me a better person and teaches me so much!

My little pumpkin head! Claire is my little squishy right now and I am loving every moment (most of the time) having an infant again. Juliet got big so fast it is so fun to have a little one again, although I don't think she will be little for long. At her four month check up she already weighed 16lbs and was 27ins! 95% for her weight and off the charts for her height! She is already wearing 6-12 months clothes! Claire has been the perfect baby! She is a really good nurser, and I am learning to actually enjoy breastfeeding and will probably go for as long as I can with Claire. (Juliet was alot more difficult when it came to breastfeeding) Claire is very content and smiley, she loves to giggle and watch her big sister. She can already roll over from her back to her stomach and is working on rolling from stomach to back. She has been sleeping through the night for the past month, and I am loving it!! I couldn't ask for a better baby!


Mel said...

Hey Genevieve
This is Ryan's cousin, Mel. Can you email me your new address?

Mel said...

Here's my email address